For a judicial aspirant or anyone who wants to achieve something, time is very precious. You should utilize your time towards achieving your ultimate goal. Knowing your priorities is the first step towards knowing yourself. If you want to achieve your goal set your day in a way that you move forward towards your goal.
If you have a goal but you don’t do anything to move forward towards your goal you neither will satisfy yourself nor you will become what you dreamt of. So you should plan your day according to your priorities/goal. And move towards that you dreamt of. Even if you start slowly or move slowly you will achieve your goal one day but if don’t move your dream always will be a dream.
ultimately what matters is the satisfaction and if you are satisfied then its all right but if you are not satisfied than you should schedule your day in a manner so that you can come closer to your dream. Don’t forget time is precious don’t try to play with it, otherwise it will start playing with you.
Rahul Singh